Oct 2, 2011

Latest Facebook "gotcha"

Facebook has introduced a new feature that's going live shortly: the "Timeline." Unfortunately, this feature could have unpleasant consequences for you unless you are careful: 

Facebook will auto-share your activities on Facebook-connected apps.

As Pete Cashmore aptly put it:
"For those not in the loop: Facebook is making sharing even easier by automatically sharing what you’re doing on Facebook-connected apps. Instead of having to “Like” something to share it, you’ll just need to click “Add to Timeline” on any website or app, and that app will have permission to share your activity with your Facebook friends. What activity, you ask? It could be the news articles you read online, the videos you watch, the photos you view, the music you listen to, or any other action within the site or app."

What's so bad about this sharing? If your imagination is failing you, you can find some embarrassing examples in Pete's article.

1. [In the future] When you click "Add to timeline", you will see an option to share with "Public", "Friends" or "Custom". Under "Custom", you can choose the option "Only me" to keep your activities private. 
2. [Right now] Click on "APPS" in your Facebook account - it appears in the left column, below your picture, Favorites and Lists. You see a list of all your existing Facebook-connected apps. Click on the edit icon next to each app  and choose "Edit Settings". Not all apps give you this option.

Scroll down to "App activity privacy" and make sure it is set to your liking.

[ More details and examples at http://on.mash.to/pKCnWa ]