Nov 8, 2011

iPad in the classroom

The "Apple"-dom has been raving about AirPlay feature and its potential since its introduction sometime in the beginning of 2011. What is it? AirPlay allows the iPad (2 only) to mirror its display wirelessly on to Apple TV and via that, onto any projection system you have. The catch is that in order to mirror an app, the app must be AirPlay-enabled. Apple even introduced a special section in iTunes devoted to AirPlay-Enabled Apps. So, how much adoption has AirPlay had? 

Here's the image of this iTunes section in Mar 2011 (11 apps)
and here's the same section in iTunes today, Nov 2011  (48 apps):
Given the hundreds of thousands of apps iTunes has, these snapshots do not bode well. Apple seems to have abandoned this section of iTunes in favor of a section at, which is larger (132 apps):
but still a disappointing number given the hundreds of thousands of apps out there. 

Apple wants iPad to be a classroom tool. In order to accomplish this, iPad must have an easy way to have its display projected, either on to a screen via a projector or on to a TV. 

What are Apple's plans in all this?