Sep 1, 2012

Link directly to a specific time within a YouTube video, and other YouTube tricks

Start time

When providing a link to a YouTube video, there is a simple way to have the link open the video at a specific time within the video. Take the YouTube address (URL), e.g.
and add the following to the end of this link, e.g.

Now, when you click on the link 
the video starts at 0 minutes, 40 seconds, instead of at the beginning.

Next question -- how do you make it stop after playing a certain time? I do not know of a way to do that with a simple URL parameter such as &t.

Related videos 

When a YouTube video finished, YouTube provides a number of videos it believes are related to yours. Unfortunately, you have no control over this list and it may very well include inappropriate content. To disable this screen, add   &rel=0   to the end of the URL, e.g.

Fill entire browser window

If you want a YouTube video to fill the entire browser window, replace the /watch?v=  part of the video's URL with /v/  e.g.

Of course, you can combine all these tricks: